How do I know if I have PCOS?
Have you ever wondered why your periods are irregular, why you struggle with sudden weight gain, or why stubborn acne just will not go away? These ...
Healthy Eating : A Cheat Sheet
THE BASICS OF HEALTHY EATING Keep sugar, refined carbs, fried foods, alcohol, smoking, aerated drinks to a minimum- they trigger inflammation w...
Health advice I wish I took more seriously when I was younger
When I was younger, I thought I was invincible. I'd skip every anti-aging ad I'd ever see and scoff at the "preventive measures" I was always asked to take. I mean, I believed I'd be "young forever", but my body had other plans. My metabolism changed, and so did my body. While I'm grateful for the pesky teen acne finally finding its way out of my face, having to worry about joint health, and gut health has taken over.
How to survive when period pain is killing you — but you can't take the day off
Have you ever sat at work and googled "Can period cramps kill you"? Yup, we get it. As sad as it is, we're still a long way from period leaves being the norm rather than a rarity that needs to be greatly accoladed.