Lifespan vs Healthspan: What’s more relevant?
Total number of years you live with or without illness |
How many of those years you remain healthy - free from severe and chronic health conditions |
Avg lifespan: 80 years |
Avg healthspan: 63 years |
1. Stay hydrated:
- 50% to 70% of our body is composed of water and aids regulate body temperature, excrete body waste and acts as an internal lubricant for joints and muscles
- Consume at least 8 glasses of water per day over and above the water consumed via foods like fruits, vegetables, juices and soups
2. Make the right food choices:
- Try consuming the fresh and seasonal foods, in all different food categories
- Limit the consumption of sugar
- Maintain an eating routine
- Consume small meals every couple of hours instead of only 2-3 large meals
3. Get quality sleep:
- Getting adequate hours of good quality sleep is essential as it helps the body to rejuvenate, relax and repair
- This helps the heart, breath and metabolic rates of the body recuperate
- Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep everyday with constant sleeping and waking times
4. Strength train:
- Regular moderate intensity strength training for 150 mins per week can greatly reduce the risk of injury, increase metabolic function and secrete the happy hormones - serotonin, dopamine and endorphins! Keeping both your mind and body in a joyful happy state
5. Work on increasing your Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT):
- Improve your movement ways and activity levels through the course of the day and make it a habit.
- Don’t stay sitting for long hours: stand up and move for two mins every hour / walk while on the phone / walk or cycle to nearby locations / take the stairs when you can
6. Have supportive relationships:
- Social support is key to maintaining a healthy mind and habits
- They have a protective effect on one's health span, decreasing the risk of illness caused due to stress, depression, anxiety and uncertainty
- Limit screen time and spend a few minutes outdoors and close to nature everyday
- Spend 5-7 minutes practices breathing practices and meditating on a daily basis
- Taking up certain tasks to do everyday - however big or small like making your bed on waking up or reading a few pages of a book before going to bed
- Take out time to do activities you enjoy doing like dancing, baking or painting