How to survive when period pain is killing you — but you can't take the day off
Have you ever sat at work and googled "Can period cramps kill you"? Yup, we get it. As sad as it is, we're still a long way from period leaves being the norm rather than a rarity that needs to be greatly accoladed.
Talking to your teenager about Menstruation
It can seem daunting, for you and them. Puberty is difficult enough, they're feeling a surge of emotions, their bodies are changing, they're discovering the inner workings of the no-man's land called middle school. It can all be very overwhelming. Add getting their first period into this mix and that's where things can really seem like a horror movie.
Ease Your PMS Symptoms Naturally
Premenstrual symptoms certainly bring a bunch of difficulties. Nonetheless, you do not have to let these issues rule your life. Premenstrual syndrome can be reduced or managed with the help of simple lifestyle changes.
How much Period Pain is "Normal"?
Experiencing pain during periods is quite normal, but sometimes the pain feels so much that you might wonder, is it normal or should I visit a doctor?